Put out a few new pieces at Hollywood Cycles this week! Quiet Girl Designs Don't forget the lovely lady cyclist in your life come Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
Kristy Kreme
Jingle Cross 2009: Friday Night Cross from Gizmo Pictures on Vimeo.
Jingle Cross Rock 2009 Speedo Single Speed Race from Kristy Henderson on Vimeo.
Unfortunately for me, the next day's cross country event was full of obstacles that were well above my experience. Still, I finished. Albeit 20 minutes after the leader, I finished. Finishing 6th in the cx-country, I took 5th in the overall and couldn't have been more satisfied. I put forth a good hard effort, got dirty and bled a little along the way, and learned a couple new tricks while I was at it.
With the rest of the 612-crew hanging out for another night of good food and friends, Jay and I decided to stay one more night. We joined the group for a FABULOUS roast beef dinner, followed by a full moon lit bonfire. The Kenwoods group invited us to their campsite for a low-key fireside after party. I don't think I've laughed that hard in ages. Thanks!!!
After one last night in our quiet suite, Jay and I rose for breakfast and good-byes. We happily beat the Labor Day traffic during our morning drive and returned home fully relaxed and content. Huge thanks to the Richard's family for running such a wonderful home-away-from-home and making a 3-day weekend so memorable.
Kristy Kreme
Lucky for us.
Unlucky for us, they closed registration early, so only the barley soda half of our plan was accomplished. After we filled our bellies, we headed off to sleep at Rob O's super cabin in the woods. May I say GORGEOUS!? After a full night's rest, we all rose early to return to the Sawmill to register and ready ourselves for the sloppy ride to come.
By 9:00AM, I toed the line as the mist surrounded us and the clouds kept the warmth at bay. Once the horn finally rang, the peace and quiet of the north woods ceased as hundreds of mountain bike riders charged the road, jockying for ideal place for the single-track to come. The roady in me took the reigns and I found myself as the women's leader and top-10 overall as we left the road to enter the gloomy shade of the trails.
In the quiet of the trails, I heard only the whoosh of the wind and my breath as I battled the confines of my lungs. Like never before, I charged the course with my road-race intensity, filling my ears with the sound of my bounding heart. It was so intense, keeping the energy high and the speed even higher as I wove along the fire roads and trails. I've never felt so alive in a mountain bike race as I did that day.
Zoe passed me along the way, and I tried with all I had to hang on. Unfortunately for me, I was flatlining big time and needed to recover and she slipped out of sight and into the shadows. Trying not lose any further positions, I charged through the mud and the brush mile after mile. I attacked the hills in my big ring. I rode, hands pulling on my bar ends, as the men around me walked. I rode so hard I couldnt' image ever going faster. As the 1K sign appeared before me, I dropped into the hardest gear I could turn and sprinted for the finish.
Sounds behind me faded until the only thing I could see was the finish line before me. The only sound - a quiet, undecypherable murmur from the crowd mixed with the rushing air from my lungs.
Crossing the line, I sealed a 2nd place finish, just minutes behind Zoe and elated beyond my wildest dreams. Jay was still out on the course, so a silent smile was shared with my bike as I returned to the car for clean clothes and a moment to take it all in.
Was I becoming a Mtn biker? By skill level, not so much. By complete joy, hells yeah!I took my place on the podium with pride (right). By far, that was my best mtn bike race to date. And I'm sure it's going to be hard to beat.... it's the dirt, the time trial, the silence, and the sound of my own heart beating....it's the way it fills the woods around me and makes the energy blur and vibrate to the point you can almost touch it..... and yet it's completely indescribable.
Still surprising even myself,
Kristy Kreme
Jay and I replaced the floors in our living room, kitchen and bathroom and they look so freakin awesome! Once i get my computer back, that'll be the first pics I post! Busted my elbow open, though, while pulling some base boards out in the bathroom.... didn't even catch it on anything sharp, the board just gave way and with the speed my elbow was traveling (20+ mph), it burst open on impact with the side of the toilet like a boxer's eye! Instantly I was a soaking wet puddle as I saw the blood and tried desparately not to pass out. It must've been half an hour before I would let Jay touch it to clean it off as I fought off the darkness and the sickness that came along with it.
Good news was that I didn't break it - just messed up the tendons and nerves a bit. And turns out Jay's pretty awesome w/ a butterfly tape job - kept me from getting stitches! Thanks babe!
Ahh, what else? Capitol Crit was good - third place finish was nice, with my teammate in 2nd! Nice work OC!
Oh, yeah - DUDE! State TT Championships were hard, painful, and miserable! I rode off the darn road TWICE due to the massive wind. And before that, I wore a hole through all but the final layer of my tubulars when I slid out, almost missing one of the first turns. Still managed to pull it in for a 2nd place Cat 4 finish, and 7 minutes faster than my goal! Lucky for me, the gal who won the 4's was from Wisconsin, making yours truly the new Cat 4 Women's State TT Champ!!!! B1tc# Please! I'm so absolutely floored!
Other than that, life's been a crazy whirlwind of activity! Maybe not having the computer has been good - giving me more time to go out and play in the real world! But you better believe there'll be a bunch of pics once it's back in action. My poor camera is burstin at the bolts.
Partyin' on,
Kristy Kreme
Lap after lap, we got in a rotation and kept the tempo up til the finish. My favorite part about riding with the veteran ladies is the wealth of information they have to share! Both of my races that day made me a better rider, either by how to take care of myself, breathing, cornering, to climbing. Thank you so much Bonnie & Teresa!!! I am so honored to get to learn from you!
Fallin' in love with the Pain Cave,
Kristy Kreme
Thursday night was supposed to be just a typical night out riding mountain bikes with my husband. Just us, our single speed bikes, and the...