We arrived at our destination around dinner time, all quick to unpack and unwind. Jay and I made our signature burritos for dinner before we sauntered off to the main lodge to hit the bar for some barley sodas, Buck Hunter, and noisemakers. Not only did we find funky hats and cocktails, but we were surprised w/ a 2 person band fully backed up w/ a drum machine, and all the snowmobilin' WI'ers you could want. Sure, we stood out pretty well as obvious city folk...what, with our stylishly unmatched pieces, rock n roll belts, tattoos, and hair extensions.
I was the first out of bed at 11:00 and the rest were slow to join me for coffee and holiday screwdrivers. Without even realizing it, 4 hours went by as we sat around the kitchen table slowly waking up and talking up a storm. Once we came to our senses, we bundled up and took on the elements, trudging through the foot-deep snow in a hike into the woods simply following deer tracks.

With a little bit of energy left, Jay and I headed over to Telemark on the way out of town Friday afternoon to get a lil ski in on the Birkie Trail. It was my first time on the trail and I was definitely impressed. On top of it being absolutely beautiful, we nailed it big time as the groomers lead the way around the trail, making it so Jay and I could lay down fresh tracks around every bend of our ski.
On top of that, I got to bust out my new bicycle GPS that I got for Christmas (since I've been off the bike recovering for the last month, this was my first real chance to break it out). It was so much fun!!!

Amped for O-Nine,
Kristy Kreme
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