Friday kicked off the weekend with a rockin' team meet n great at Jay's shop. A great number of the team came out for the gear, the food, and the barley sodas. As the night grew dark, the team thinned and friends rolled in. KK, Timmer, Angie, Big Al, B-rad, Shad, Geno, and the crew hung out until the night's closing, sharing in great stories and laughs, enjoying Jay's birthday cake I made...(which I am so proud to say I made)....

Hwood even taught us how to open a bottle of wine in a bike shop.....
(click here if the video isn't appearing)The party was so fun, wrapping up with a great Hwood quote for an unfortunate happening: "A party's not a party until Geno drinks a butt". Raw deal, Godfather, to pick up the only bottle with a butt in it. Glad you all came out though!
Saturday we slept in, only to wake up and gear up for a killer ride. Jay n I hit the Greenway and met up with Ronnie, Timmer, and Roundtree headed south. The morning air bit hard on my lightly covered skin. Every cheek felt brittle against the slightest breeze as I waited for my thermometer to pop and my blood to flow. We cranked out near 20 MPH as we weaved our way through town, picking up Andy along the way, just before heading south of the river. Past Mendota Heights and on to mile 24+ I started to fall apart, getting dropped every couple hundred feet and struggling more and more up the rolling hills. Jay was sweet enough, and smart enough, to know what my body needed more than I did, and we dropped off the ride. I choked down my first Goo as we rested on the side of the road, watching a red tailed hawk hang over the field to our side. We rode into Rosemount, stopping in a small bakery for some tasty treats and juice, refueling for the 26 mile ride home. Looking around the little Irish town, we noticed it was St. Paddy's day! People were already out getting there drink on, and here we were prepping for a great season. Man, I love this life.

So, riding just the pair of us, Jay and I mounted the beautiful black and white steads and pointed north. The ride home was a few MPH slower, but we had fun and made it home safe. It was my longest ride ever - 56 miles! Yowza, my legs were exhausted but it was amazing! After some tasty homemade vittles by Jay, the man who never ceases to amaze me, we laid out on the couch for a little R&R.
Now, I know a nap is great every now and then [believe me, I cherish them!], but we took the Mother of All Naps! When we looked at the clock, 4 hours had gone by! I think we had slept a little too much, rising slow and groggy from the couch. We kept the evening low key, sharing a bottle of wine, a movie, and some popcorn. Who needs green beer when you can lay around in your jammies and cuddle with a loved one? It was definitely a great St. Paddy's day!
Sunday was pretty mellow. We ran errands, raided IKEA, and watched cycling with Timmer, Angie, and Wheels as we assemble our new IKEA goods. The house was full of life and we hung out. The other great lesson of the weekend....start at the
beginning of the instructions when assembling something....don't work your way back (thanks Timmer and Jay for fixing the drawer...oops!).
Next on the docket......we're into the final count down to Belgium! Yep, that's right....15 days until these little red toenails will be landing in Paris for 2 weeks of cycling and exploring France, Belgium, and Germany! Sure, I may be the only lady on the trip, but I am certain I'll be able to hold my own. And the idea of being able to experience it all with's unimaginable!