Hwood and the Chucker took the Scamp up to the Cayuna trails for Vegas's 'dirty' bachelor party of mountain bikes, boats, and camping. The Scamp was all perdy in her finished splendor but since Rosco and I weren't there to help tell the story, it only counts as 0.5 of a Scamp-venture. Jay had a great time, though, annoying poison ivy and all.
Me and Rosco had a wonderfully fun and clean weekend at home together just hanging out. We kicked it off with a ridiculously lazy Friday night, cuddling on the couch and watching documentaries about dogs... perfect way to relax after the work-weeks I've been having..
Saturday I got to spend some time solo, getting up early for the All Women's TT to get my ride on. The course was AWESOME! Even though the heat was climbing as the start creeped up and the air was thick with moisture, I was excited to get El Gato on the road and push the legs to the limit. Once the race began, I was surging with energy and fire, cornering faster than I ever have and bombing the downhills.

It was fabulous! With the hills, heat, and wind, I wasn't surprised that I was slower than my goal average speed. I was, however, ridiculously surprised to find that I'd had a killer time, taking third overall and winning my age group, against some really fast women! Wow! Thanks to Endurance Promotions for an awesome event! I hope to see it on the calendar again next year.

So, exhausted but happy as can be, I returned home to clean up with Rosco and hit the town. I had fun introducing them to our friends having a garage sale, hanging in the sun, and running errands. We returned home for more relaxing and vegging out. Sure, I thought about cleaning the house or doing laundry while my hubby was away, but skipped it this time. How fun is it for me to clean all weekend while he's out having fun? He can help me when he gets home. So that's exactly what I did - Rosco and I laid low all Saturday night!

Puppy was so sleepy, he forgot to tuck in his tongue!
Come Sunday, we were relaxed and ready to roll up to the Hillside Mtn Bike race. I'd only ridden there once before, but had a fabulous time riding the trails and pushing my bike to the limits. Hwood met us at the course, covered in poison ivy and more exhausted than I'd ever seen him. He still rode hard and knocked out a top 15 finish.
Although the relaxing, quiet time with the puppy was cozy and sweet, we missed Hwood terribly and were happy to all return home together Sunday night for dinner and time spent veggin' out as a family. :o)
Wishin' every day was the weekend,
Kristy Kreme
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