Jay and I grabbed the pup and loaded up the Scamp last Friday to cross the border into WI for a chill weekend of camping and mountain biking. This weekend was the 2011 Border Battle between MN and WI at the White Tail Ridge Mtn Bike trail and we wanted to be there for every minute of the action.
We left town Friday afternoon to get there early for some rough camping in the field where all the excitement would take place Sunday afternoon. We had intended on riding the trails before sundown, but the quiet summer air around us kept us in our lawn chairs as the week's worries melted away.
The ride was fabulous, and a great prelude to another wonderful weekend with my boys. We enjoyed a beautiful sunset to tuck us away for the evening, followed by a delicious candle-lit dinner.
Once dinner was over, we all crawled into bed for a movie and some beauty sleep to prep for the next day's race.
Once Sunday arrived, there was no question what the weekend was all about. Our once quiet field filled with families and bikes galore. The races preceding ours were full to the brim with eager racers and the energy was high. Although I love to sleep in, sometimes the anticipation leading up to the afternoon race can be agonizing. None the less, I was excited as hell when I got my call-up to the line, shoulder to shoulder with some AMAZING women, including two other Hellians, Sophia and Ridge. Jay's been riding phenomenally this year, earning himself a call-up at the start, too, and had an amazing race.
Me, I spent some time off the bike in the first lap thanks to some not-so-polite Comp riders and got put into a tree twice thanks to a couple non-MN d-bags... losing some 5 min. on my competitors. I didn't give up, though, fighting my way back and taking minutes off my lap-times each lap. I was railing trails I'd only seen the day before and I was loving it. The sound of my rear wheel sliding through the corners was exhilarating, and I wished I was being filmed just so I could show Jay. :o)
At the end of the day, I was happy as hell to have done the race and for spending that sunny afternoon enjoying the great outdoors at speed. When I got back to the Scamp, I found my hubby a little banged up, having crashed in his final lap taking a turn a little too hot. Other than mud, blood, and scrapes, he had a WICKED contusion on his leg, making it look like his calf muscles had spun around to the side of his leg! The swelling's coming down already, but that nice purple bruise is working it's way to the top. Nice!

We took our sweet time packing up our campsite as we hung out with the rest of our team and their families, and enjoyed some barley sodas in the warm sunshine. As the last of the volunteers packed up their stuff, we finally pulled out of the field and headed home. But NOT before we raided a Pizza Hut on the border for some killa TACO PIZZA! I don't know why MN doesn't offer it, but it's the best take out pizza out there! YUM!
After 17 Scamp-ventures in less than a year, I still can't get enough! So, until next time... eat, drink, and be merry!
Kristy Kreme
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scamp on party on...
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