After that, my super-duper, absolutely amazing fiancee surprised me with a bridal headband for my birthday. Why so special? Because he looked in the photos I took when I was trying on wedding gowns to find the picture I took of my dream headband, took a photo of it, rode his bike an hour and a half from Bloomington to Rosedale, and proceeded to go through their entire collection of headbands until he matched the photo bead-for-bead to the exact one I wanted. Once it was found, he got it and pedaled the hour and a half back home. I'm still completely in awe of all he did for my gift....I definitely am the luckiest woman in the world.
Later that morning, we kitted up and went on a 27-28 mile ride from Bloomington to Savage, into Prior Lake, and back. It was a beautiful morning with a bright sun and gentle breeze. The ride was absolutely perfect, sans a short 1/2 hour of agony after I broke Jay's camera. :O( I still feel absolutely horrible, but he's just so gracious and gentle with me, you'd think it was a disposable one.
We spent the rest of the day hanging out together and with friends, closing the even down with the boys at Lyle's. Timmer, Stick, Perry, Dana, Smokin' Joe, Dylan, Hwood and I partied it up with tater tots and 2-for-1's to close out yet another fabulous birthday.
To continue the celebration, Jay and I had a BBQ at the house Saturday night with a big bunch of friends. Cyclists and non-cyclists alike grilled, gabbed, and monkey'd around like kids. It was awesome!
Maya came out for the fun with my Matron of Honor, Erin......
while her Papa, Adam, got a wicked game of hack going
while her Papa, Adam, got a wicked game of hack going
Nuttin' says party like a Buzzard Bag o' Beer......And you know what that leads too??
Crazy lil bros gettin their fingers stuck in bottles! NOOB!
Crazy lil bros gettin their fingers stuck in bottles! NOOB!
It was an awesome time, and I'm so happy that all my friends could make it out! Thanks guys and dolls! And thanks to my always awesome fiancee, Jay, who made this birthday the best ever! Thanks babe - I love you!!!
Happiest gal in the world,
Kristy Kreme
Happiest gal in the world,
Kristy Kreme
1 comment:
Sounds like you had such a great time. Sorry we missed it. Belated happy birthday.
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