But, at least we had a fond farewell. Me and a couple of the gals finished off a very stressful week with some suds at Majors.
To recover as best I could from the 'trials and tribulations' of life, Jay and I slept until the last possible moment on Saturday morning. I made coffee, started a new book, and waited quietly for the day to slowly begin. Snail-paced, Jay and I set up the trainers and the Black & Whites to get in a mid-winter workout. Personally, I'd rather ride outside, but the -20 degree windchills quickly changed my mind. Surprisingly, we had a great workout! I don't think we'd gotten more than 5 minutes in to our 50-min. session before the sweat started to run. We threw in an ATV racing game on the tube to try and coax us to go faster - me, I couldn't tell. Every time I drove that darn thing off course, I found my watts dropping, then skyrocketing back onto the straight-aways.
Half way into it, I gave up on the game and kicked it into intervals. Well, if 3 or 4 sprints in 20 minutes counts as intervals, then I guess I'm not all lying. hehehe I did kick it into my hardest wattage EVER, so that was a total rush (once I'd recovered that is). I was sweatin' balls and could've puked by the time it was over, but it was AWESOME!!! Wow, re-reading that sentence, I really am hooked, aren't I? Anyways, it was a pleasant surprise to feel 'not all that bad' after 2 months off the bike. The PT is going well, though, so I think with some TLC and more trainer sessions, I'll be cleared to race in 2008!
That evening, we erased the dietary benefit of the trainer session with beers and burgers at Old Chicago. Jay and I joined my step-sis (and bridesmaid extraordinare) Megan and her friends to celebrate her Almost-30 bday!! (yeah, I can rub it in...I'm younger!) It was, as always, a complete blast! Thanks for inviting us to celebrate with you! Love you!
Live and let live,
Kristy Kreme
1 comment:
Keep spinning. See you at the banquet.
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