Later in the evening, we were joined by Sarah & Jake. Somehow, in the midst of hanging out just hours before the clock would strike midnight, Sarah mentioned that another couple was going to a local bar to catch Strutter that night. That's right, the one and only, the "1# KISS Tribute band" in full makeup and costume. From a room away, with the Guitar Hero playing away, Jay's ears caught all the info he needed to shout out "How far away are they playing??".
It was about ten o'clock and the wine and warm bellies were steering us towards Pictionary but Jay was on the 9's reminding us about the show. Jake walked in the room with 6 red tickets, throwing them unknowingly on the table as he told us about the cashier at the liquor store handing them just so happened that they were 6 free passes to the Tack in Amery, Wi....the exact venue Strutter would be rocking out at for New Year's Eve.
To make a small world even smaller, Sarah new of yet another couple that were supposedly there, so she called ahead to see if it was worth going. Turns out they were still at home, thinking of also turned out that Jay & John were old college buds, so there was no turning back. Jodie let the dogs out while the boys threw the extra seats in the van, and we jumped in the car at 11:30.
Sure, we missed the ball dropping, but we walked in the door promptly at 12:05 as the lights went out at the bar, and the stage lights came alive as Strutter took their places.
It wasn't exactly the KISS tribute crowd in the middle of Nowhere, WI, but we partied it up until the wee hours of the morning, singing along with our air guitars. Who can resist having a good time with a group of men that have such a wonderful taste in shoes?
On New Year's Day, Jay and I hung out with Jodie and Greg lazily strolling from the kitchen to the couch as we chatted and snacked. By late afternoon, Jay and I hit the road for home. We'd had another phenomenal New Year, chalked full of adventures, Rock n Roll, and a little taste of Jay Time. I love my life.....and to think, this is only the beginning.
Happy New Year!
Kristy Kreme
will you guys adopt me so i can go where you go?
i always miss out on the real fun.
KK, I dare you to wear those shoes at the RedBarn Halloween cross race in 08:)
Happy New year!
we were close to heading up there, but we just had no gas left. if it wasn't for my midnight fart, we would have missed the new year minute... and the golden valley fireworks.
see my mySpace blog for details.
see ya tomorrow! another weekend of non-stop rock & roll fun!
Yeah!!! That was a+mazing. Stutter rocked Amery like Brett Favre's two minute drill. Ace Freely 's look alike gave me a green shot of some toxic New Year's cheer. Too many highlights to list... Jean's bloody solo, Ace's smoking guitar solo...and some mullet playing air guitar with his beer bottle...wait a minute... that was H-wood!
Great time with good y'all!
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