Jay and I spent Labor Day weekend ridin' mountain bikes up at Maplelag Resort in Callaway, MN....it was amazing! Family style dining at every meal, beautiful cabins, endless trails, and the most amazing family make up all that was great at Maplelag. This weekend was the Laddies Loppet Mtn Stage Race and I was quite sure that I was just going to watch the races, sleep in, look at the stars, and rest....Little did I expect that I wouldn't be able to say No to a race. With no conversation at all, I signed myself up for all three races and the Baloney Pony waited patiently in excitement.
The weekend started with a 3 mile time trail on a mix of ski trail and single track. It was a blast and I buried myself in the dirt, pedaling as fast as my single speed could go. To my surprise, I pulled off my FIRST MTN BIKE VICTORY! Sure, second place was 11 yrs old, but I had to pass 2 people in the single track for my second time in the dirt all year to do it. Heck, Jay may have the tatoo, but I'm still a Citizen Mtn Biker. Jay pulled off a great finish too, sharing the top 10 with Sam & Eric Oftedahl and Jake Richards of Silver Cycling, "Doug's Brother" Swanson, and so many more. He's really riding great in the dirt this year - can't wait to see him in CX.
After a couple hours of relaxing, we saddled back up for the Short Track race. With 3 other adults toeing the line, I readied my single speed to challenge the kids all hopped up on Mtn Dew. For the first 3 laps, I rode out of my mind to be middle of the pack as Jay laughed (very innocently) on the sidelines. Luckily though, this 'gettin' old' thing paid off ... one thing about age is sustainability and endurance. Those little sub-14 yr olds may go out hot, but they burn out fast, allowing an old lady like me roll away with the victory! I couldn't believe it - I actually won!!!

Jay didn't fail to shine, either, taking 6th between Eric & Sam Oftedahl. Mark Kowaliw and Jason Walters took 1st & 2nd in the Comp class. After the races were done for the day, we washed up and hit the dining hall for a fab spagetti dinner.
We joined some friends in the hot tub that night and laid low until bedtime. Come Sunday morning, my legs were ready for more. Being an MNSCS race, the Citizen's field had grown, making the 9 mile XC race that much more exciting. I was amped as the whistle blew and the race began, charging into the woods with the 30+ riders. Although some elements were still over my head, I improved big time on most of the obstacles since the prior day's riding. Unfortunately, within minutes of entering the single track, I dropped my chain while trying to climb. Good thing I'm marrying a bike mechanic - I got the chain back on in now time and was back on the bike. Though I'd lost some ground, I knew I'd make it up on the climbs. .... That's the thing about single speed...I can't just granny-gear it up a hill. I actually have to work. That alone usually buys me a few places in the pack, and I ate it up as I passed rider after rider on Suicide Hill.

Tired, sore, and on Cloud 9, I rolled across the line in 13th overall, and 2nd for the women to Jordan Horner, the 11 yr old who taken second to me in the previous 2 races. Luckily, I had enough of a time advantage in the previous 2 stages to win the overall with a 30 second stage lead.
Jay, sadly, didn't have as good of a race, dropping out in the first lap after loosing his glasses in a pile of mulch on the trail.
Hollywood Cylces/Silver Cycling still stood strong on the podium anyways, with Sam Oftedahl finishing second, Eric Oftedahl taking 4th, and Jake Richards taking 9th in the Expert race. (It was Jake's FIRST Expert race!). Jason Walters finished 7th in the Comp race. For the rest of the best photos, go to my Flickr page.
I had such a wonderful weekend! It was the most amazing respite after a month's worth of agony at work, craziness in wedding planning, and running around. It was just what I needed to chase the headaches away and take a deep breath. Thanks to the Richards family not only for having us up to Maplelag, but for running such an amazing place! It was perfect, and I can't wait to come back. And thanks to Jay for taking me there - it was a wonderful vacation.
Until next time, you can bet yer bottom dollar I'll be workin' on wedding stuff and getting ready for the big day.....only 40 more days to go til the Big Big Show!
Ready for the next "stage" in life,
Kristy Kreme
Jay, sadly, didn't have as good of a race, dropping out in the first lap after loosing his glasses in a pile of mulch on the trail.

I had such a wonderful weekend! It was the most amazing respite after a month's worth of agony at work, craziness in wedding planning, and running around. It was just what I needed to chase the headaches away and take a deep breath. Thanks to the Richards family not only for having us up to Maplelag, but for running such an amazing place! It was perfect, and I can't wait to come back. And thanks to Jay for taking me there - it was a wonderful vacation.
Until next time, you can bet yer bottom dollar I'll be workin' on wedding stuff and getting ready for the big day.....only 40 more days to go til the Big Big Show!
Ready for the next "stage" in life,
Kristy Kreme
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