With little to no sleep under my belt for 5 days, my back re-injured, and my health in question, I felt like a walking zombie when I awoke at 6:00 that morning. While Jay headed to the course for the final preparations, I met my Dad and step-mom at the Earle Brown Heritage Center for some reception hall scoping. Yes, it was pretty crazy to schedule it then, but it was either that or December. So, we did the tour, asked what ever questions we could think of (Where should people lock up their bikes? Do you frown on Derbies??....you know, the important stuff!). When 9:15 rolled around, I started getting antsy and had to jet.
Tired and ready for a nap, I got dressed up in every ounce of clothing I brought and rode over to the course. I got a good lap and a half in when they called us to the start. When they had us go, I knew I was in trouble.... I made it down the dirt road pretty quickly and well placed in the pack, but instantly I cracked. My legs were thick with blood and didn't want to move. My lungs didn't want to expand. My mind was everywhere but there.
I trudged through quite reluctantly, against my body's will. Man, I wanted to quit over and over, but having people like Lynn cheering me on over and over, and having Jay riding all over the course to give me praise kept my slow legs turning. I truly wish I could have had a better finish to the MN season than I did, but for how I was feeling I am truly happy that I finished at all. My goal all year has been to finish each race I start, and so far I'm 45 for 45 (knock on Hwood). I don't think I could be much prouder than that for myself!
Jay and Zach did a great job in the B Race. Jay was on fire, taking the State Single Speed Championships, and finishing 2nd overall! I am so proud of you baby! Zach rode great too, looking super pro on his bike as he attacked lap after lap. Man, if only I had that kind of energy again. Way to go kid! I can't wait to see how you do at Jingle Cross.
Jay and Zach did a great job in the B Race. Jay was on fire, taking the State Single Speed Championships, and finishing 2nd overall! I am so proud of you baby! Zach rode great too, looking super pro on his bike as he attacked lap after lap. Man, if only I had that kind of energy again. Way to go kid! I can't wait to see how you do at Jingle Cross.
Linda Sone rode an amazing race, taking 1st in the Women's open. I hope I can make it look that effortless someday. You're great, chica, keep it up! Doug Swanson was also pretty stellar, taking the Men's elite Championship by storm. Aric Hareland made us Silver Cyclists proud, riding fast, and taking fourth in the Men's Elite. Great job, everyone! Hope to see you in Iowa!

with Trophy creator the original, Ron Gallas!
Party On,
Aw well, it is bummer that this was the ONE that wasn't your best, but the cool thing is you have a LOT of great results to look back at this year.
I'm so glad you guys are going to Jingle Cross! Minnesota is taking over Iowa for a weekend, huh?
See you next weekend and then I suppose we all go hybernate! (I did agree to lead a couple of the women's Saturday rides, so maybe I'll see you this winter anyway).
And-could you go back to stock at Black Dog next year so I can chase you? Maybe just ONE race? roflmao!!!
I'll pay for some type of elopement.
Did I hear the word "epic"? Good job finishing the race - 45/45 is awesome!
BTW, I was practicing the 'corner of death' with Zach for a bit - looks like he picks up stuff quick!
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