The wind was a pain in the rear, but the ride was awesome. It was one of those rides where I was thinking of all the wonderful things around me that I wanted to get back and write about, blended up with some personal goals, thoughts of my family, and of course more bike rides.
Along my way, somewhere in deep thought, I caught something out of the corner of my eye that startled me. I kept going, but had to turn around to see if it was real...
It didn't move, not even when I stopped, not even an ear twitch... but my heart still raced as I took the picture. Titillated, I headed on down the road.
I hadn't made it more than a couple miles before I came across another 4-legged friend, running along the road. A Husky apparently snuck out of the house, and was trotting down Mcginty with owner slowly riding a bike behind it, leash in one hand, phone to her ear with the other. Considering the number of cars I'd seen on the road already, I passed the woman as she weaved back and forth, half of the time calling to the dog, the other half panicking into the phone. I rode up to the dog who didn't care if I called it a bad dog or tried to bribe it with Gu packets, so I herded it off of Mcginty and onto a side road. Luckily, there was a pole that looked like it really needed to be peed on, so I got my window to get off my bike and bribe the nice puppy into greeting me. I grabbed his collar and started walking me back home. It felt awesome!
Near death experience with a fake coyote.... check
Reunite rogue puppy and owner..... check
Commence ride.
I got into downtown Wayzata, peacefully watching the streets full of families, walkers, and bikers galore. I wasn't ready to be done... so I wondered... can I make it around Lake Mtka and get home in time for work? I cranked up the speed and hunkered down for a big hard effort. My legs still resist me some, but they gave in eventually and let me play. I got out to Orono and stopped to check the map to see if it was at all feasible. Unfortunately, the clock said I had 45 min. to get home... maybe another day. So, I turned around and raced myself home, stopping only to refill my bottles.
I got home with enough time to take Rosco for a mile long walk, and even he started to get exhausted from the heat. Lucky for him, he got to go home and nap. This girl had 6 hours of walking ahead of her. But, I made some moolah, hung out with my friends, and I had a front row seat for the wicked thunderstorm storm.... after clearing the patio in a frantic, wet, rush. :o)
Now, my legs are still buzzing and I wish I could get out and ride. Tomorrow, friend. Today, I've got things to do.
Livin' the dream,
Kristy Kreme