We took the party bus out to the race, loaded up w/ Jacki, Greg, Tone, Amy, Madonna, Hwood and I. Madonna, Hwood, and I were the last three to go off so we hung out prepping ourselves near the party bus well into the AM. Unfortunately, we lolly gagged for just a little too long, each one of us missing our starts! After my mandatory toe-down at the start, 6+ seconds late, I was freaking out. I'd already given in to my sleepiness and the increased distance by lowering my goal, but now this?! For the first couple miles of panic and spaz mode, I resolved myself to racing out of my mind for last place? What's there to worry if I completely blow myself apart early and limp across the finish line now? I missed my start. Oh well. So, I reprogrammed my legs to kicking out a higher average MPH than last year, not worrying about time or placement.
Jay missed his start by minutes, so when he came by me he was ready to throw in the towel. He tried for a few minutes to convince me to give in and practice our team time trialin' instead, but I wasn't up for it. So, he rode up the road from me, but kept in pace with my speed to keep an eye on my progress. I felt like I was all over the place - my mind a complete mess of disconnected thoughts and my legs operating on autopilot. Knowing my ave MPH last year was 19.9, and my Black Dog ave has been around 21.5, I did everything in my power to keep my speed above those numbers.
By the turn-around, I needed my Gu and water, taking the reduced speed to make sure I was fueled. Somehow, it was just the ticket to start over, feeling fresh and ready for the 12.5 miles back to the finish. With 5 miles to go the pain was starting to distract me, so I tried to ride faster in an attempt to lessen the length of time left. When I saw the downhill to the finish in the distance, my legs tapped into the deepest reserve of fight left in me - charging down the hill at 38.8 MPH, completely maxing out my gears for the first time! Then, I turned the corner and chased down that white Official's tent with everything that I didn't have left. As I crossed the finish line, I saw a small clock that read 1:06 and change, but I was certain that wasn't possible...I felt like crap, every muscle and bone was screaming in agony, and my mind was nothing but a confused haze.
I was certain I got last place, but I was so happy to have destroyed my Average MPH goal, coming in with an ave of 22.54 MPH! We hung out in front of the party bus, refueling with PBR's and Chex mix, awaiting the results. Jay strode from across the parking lot and asked "Are you sure you missed your start?"....yes...."You got second place in 1:06:53!" WTF?! I couldn't believe it....actually, I still don't know if I do. But then again, I rode harder than I've ever done before.
Later that night.....
Hwood and I headed up north to catch the Fixed Gear follies at the track. Timmer, Linda, Theresa, Casper, Lala, Trevor, and the crew kept it rowdy on the Wrong Side of the Track. With coolers full of beer, and friends lining the rails, we watched hours of great racing well into the night.
As the morning hours started to approach, we said our goodbyes and crawled home to bed. Exhausted and elated, I couldn't have slept better!
Thanks to my teammates, friends, el Gato, and my sweet fiancee for a fabulous weekend!!!
Kristy Kreme
Awesome TT!
good job KK! You are awesome to encourage JC and your teammates in a discipline that isnt really too "comfy" at times. (note our discussion post race)
See you soon.
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