Monday, January 6, 2014

2014... already?!

Looking back, I see it's been WAY too long since last I wrote.  Luckily, Mother Nature kept us inside today, so I finally got to download the last 3 months of photos I've taken and finally got my write-up of Cross for Tots done!

This year, since I'm so ... challenged... at keeping to my resolutions, I've chosen rather to focus on my Intention for 2014 instead.  By definition, it's "the thing to plan to do or achieve: an aim or purpose".

In 2014, my primary Intention is Balance.  Work/life balance is key, and will provide me the time I wish I had to write each week.  Time at home with my boys.  Time with my bike on the trail or peacefully cruising down the road.  Time for vacation and exploring the great outdoors. Time to explore my own desires and to try new things. And a career that fulfills me, challenges me, but doesn't consume my life.. rather, supports it.

Joy. Peace. Happiness. Confidence. Adventure. Achievement.  These are the things I want to bring into my life in 2014, and I will focus my energy on funneling them into each day.

And, with the great success and amazing joy that came from Cross for Tots in 2013, my intention in 2014 is to grow Cross for Tots into an even better event this coming season!  No longer skipping years, we're going to host CX4Tots yearly to help support our favorite charity...  I can't wait!

Until that time comes, I've had a ton of fun warming up and working out on my fat bike or thawing out at hot yoga.  Go figure, what they say about yoga is true... I'm hooked!

Now, I'm off to finish the laundry and catch up on all those other small things a 7-day work week keeps  me from.  **Fingers crossed** that I get accepted for a full time gig with lulu so I can actually have a day off each week. ;)

Stay Warm and Dream Big in 2014!
Kristy Kreme

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