Monday, July 7, 2008

Northfield Crit - 4th of July

There's nothing like a Monday to recover from your 3 day weekend....

As you could guess, we lined up our entire 4th of July weekend with back to back races. We kicked off the 4th of July festivities with the Northfield Criterium. The temps were hot and the races were fast! Unfortunately, I made some tactical errors in my race that caused me some position loss, but it was a great learning tool and an awesome start to the weekend. Amy gave me a sweet lead-out for the finish, and Jacki rocked a killer 3rd place finish! Way to go ladies! Jay rode amazing in his crit, even flyin off the front for a lap or two in the afternoon heat. When he wasn't racing, Jay was rockin' the mic as MC Hwood.
The real fun is always afterwards, hanging out with friends and watching the pros fly around the course.
Not to mention some tasty grub and good laughs afterwards at the Contented Cow.
Jay and I were too exhausted to go out for fireworks that night, so we crawled up to the roof and watched all the firework shows for miles. It was a fabulously mellow end to an exciting and tiring day.

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